POMS Reference

GN 01050: Assembly, Jurisdiction and Routing of Claims

TN 1 (06-86)

The folders relating to different SSN's are cross-referred in certain situations to ensure prompt and accurate handling of those records where entitlement or payment can be affected by events on either claim.

The cross-referred folders will be stapled together in the following situations, though both records may not normally be serviced by the same program service center (“out-of-area SSN”):

  1. Where benefits are payable on more than one earnings record, of which one is a survivor's benefit and the other is benefits paid to a wage earner on his behalf; (e.g.,female A and D benefits).

  2. Where children are awarded benefits based on combined earnings records of two wage earnings.

  3. Where a spouse (B or B1) is also entitled to widow's (widower's) benefits, the D4 or D5 folder will be attached to the folder under which the B or B1 benefits are being paid.

In all cases where an “out-of-area” claims folder is stapled to the back of another folder, a cross-reference record must be established in the case control system. Establishment of this record and the actual stapling of the folders is done by the records analysis clerk.