POMS Reference

NL 00750: Notices for TII Initial Claims Involving Work Activity

BASIC (01-04)

A. Background

The PSCs use AURORA, a notice processing system, to create and complete notices. (See NL 00702.000.) The AURORA notice system has an interface with 9 different object programs (e.g., MADCAP, MCS, SALT, etc.). AURORA loads any notice that the object programs cannot completely automate. This allows the PSC users to have access to the notice in an online environment to complete, review and/or correct.


  • Allows the users to prepare notices compliant with SSA notice formatting standards.

  • Gives the users access to many nationally approved paragraphs.

  • Allows user to request a paragraph by the Universal Text Indicator (UTI), e.g. TWP001

  • Allows the User to propagate the UTI in the notice where appropriate. (This eliminates much typing on the users' behalf.) Once propagated in the notice the user usually needs to enter the fill-in data only.

Many initial claims involving work activity may involve A101 processing, especially SDW cases; but other cases will be fully processed through EC. However, EC and MADCAP paragraphs don't cover many disability work situations. Since paragraphs in AURORA contain policy approved language, they can be used as a guide for NOT3 dictated language in a fully automated MCS EC claim or for M31 dictated paragraph language in a complete MACADE (A101) notice. The MADCAP/MACADE notice program produces notices for a variety of action types (awards, adjustments, one check only actions, etc.). (See NL 00720.300 for an explanation of the conditions that will produce each type of notice). The letter completion codes indicate whether:

  • The notice was completely done by the system (needs no further action).

  • The notice was incomplete (needs additional language or other information).

  • No notice was selected.

  • A dictated notice was requested.

For most automated EC or A101 SDW claims, it's likely that an incomplete notice will be needed due to the limited space for dictated language (2 available NOT3 screens in EC with a limit of 15 lines per fill-in and M31 dictated language paragraph limitations of 2 NOT screens with 792 characters per screen). AURORA paragraphs allow adjudicators to request paragraphs by title and applicable fill-ins.

B. Policy

All information about payment and/or non-payment issues determined in connection with an initial claim, must be part of the initial claims notice. This includes all information about TWP months or the EPE, as well as any cessation or termination issues related to work activity.

C. Procedure

Use any MADCAP and/or AURORA paragraphs that you can, if PSC action is necessary. It is mandatory that you provide fill-in data for any UTI used, as PSC users may not have access to necessary claims material to make determinations.

The use of MADCAP and AURORA paragraphs will reduce case processing time because less manual preparation is required. Notices are less prone to error if manual preparation is not required. In addition, if you request an incomplete notice via MADCAP, the PSC can complete the notice via AURORA. AURORA and MADCAP notices are loaded into ORS (Online Retrieval System) for future reference and claims documentation.

You may view these paragraphs by accessing the web here.