POMS Reference

RM 10210: SSN Evidence Requirements

TN 8 (08-10)

A. Original or new SSN card

Each applicant for an original or new (different) SSN must submit evidence to support the date of birth alleged.

  • See RM 10210.020B for evidence requirements for original or new (different) SSN requests.

  • See RM 10225.066B. for evidence requirements for new (different) SSNs based on adoption of a U.S.-born child. If a prospective adopting parent of a U.S. citizen child cannot provide sufficient evidence to obtain an SSN for the child while waiting for a domestic adoption to become final, the parent can obtain an adoption taxpayer identification number (ATIN) from the Internal Revenue Service (see RM 10225.055C).

  • Prospective adoptive parents of non-citizen children can apply for Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs--see RM 10225.105).

B. Replacement SSN card

Each applicant for a replacement SSN card must submit evidence of age if:

  • He or she alleges having a prior number but it cannot be located; or

  • The FO interviewer questions the accuracy of the prior date of birth shown on the Numident; or

  • The applicant alleges the date of birth shown on the prior Numident record is incorrect (see RM 10212.200); or

  • Special Indicators (SPINs)/Fraud codes 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, or 9 appear on the Numident (see RM 10215.200); or

  • The alleged SSN is a void SSN (see RM 10201.040).