POMS Reference

RM 10210: SSN Evidence Requirements

TN 8 (08-10)

Follow these instructions to dispose of documents SSA obtains to verify evidence of age for SSN applicants.

A. Custodian of the record verifies document

If the custodian of the record verifies the document, follow the instructions in RM 10205.315 and then shred the verification document that SSA obtained from the custodian of the record.

B. Custodian of the record does not verify the document - OIG agrees to investigate SSN application submitted with fraudulent documents

If the custodian of the record does not verify the document, follow the instructions in RM 10205.320, step 6, and include any negative verification documents as part of the related documentation to the Office of Investigations Field Division if the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) accepts the case for investigation.

C. Custodian of the record does not verify the document - OIG declines to investigate the SSN application submitted with fraudulent documents

If the custodian of the record does not verify the document and OIG declines to investigate the case, follow the instructions in RM 10205.320, step 7 for disposal of any negative verification documents.