POMS Reference

RS 00205: Student Benefits

TN 19 (06-09)

A. Definitions

1. Semester or quarter

Semesters and quarters are divisions of the academic school year.

2. Enrollment

Enrollment is an individual’s required registration at school.

3. Course

A course is a student's school term based on the school's operating basis, either on a semester or quarterly basis with re-enrollment, or on a yearly basis. If the school operates on a semester or quarterly basis and no re-enrollment is required, treat the school as operating on a yearly basis.

B. General policy

The benefits of a student who graduates (receives a diploma or equivalent certificate) from a secondary level course before age 19 terminate the month after the last month of full-time attendance (FTA). For an example, see RS 00205.325F.1. in this section.


The benefits of a student who graduates from a secondary level course before age 19, but who continues to take elementary or secondary level courses in FTA, terminate the earlier of:

  • the month of attainment of age 19; or

  • the first month in which he or she is no longer in FTA.

For examples, see RS 00205.325F.2. and RS 00205.325F.3. in this section.

If a student attains age 19 during a period of nonattendance, benefits terminate the month the student attains age 19. For an example, see RS 00205.325F.4. in this section.

If a student attains age 19 in a month in which he or she is in FTA and has not completed the requirements for, or has not received, a diploma or equivalent certificate from a secondary school, the student is deemed not to have attained age 19. If the student is deemed not to have attained age 19, the date the student's entitlement ends depends on whether:

  • The school operates on a yearly basis; or

  • The school operates on a quarterly or semester basis and requires reenrollment.

For policy instructions, see RS 00205.325C, RS 00205.325D, and RS 00205.325E in this section. For examples, see RS 00205.325F.5. - RS 00205.325F.8.

NOTE: The school official certifies the school’s operating basis on page 3 of the SSA-1372-BK. Accept the school official's statement as to how the school operates.

Consider a student's graduation ceremony an integral part of his or her school attendance even though the student may not be scheduled for at least 20 hours of weekly attendance for the month of graduation. Consider a student who attends his or her graduation ceremony the month after the month in which 20 hours of weekly attendance ends to be in FTA for the month of graduation, even if the ceremony occurs in or after the month of age 19 attainment, subject to the limits of the school's operating basis. For examples, see RS 00205.310D and RS 00205.325F.9. - RS 00205.325F.12. in this section.

For an example about how to treat students who attain age 19 in the first month of the school year, see RS 00205.325F.13. For an example about how to treat students who attain age 19 in the last month of the school year, see the example in RS 00205.325F.14.

C. Policy when a school operates on a yearly basis

If the school the student is attending operates on a yearly basis and does not require enrollment each quarter or semester, student benefits end the earlier of:

  • The first day of the third month following the month in which he or she actually attained age 19; or

  • The first day of the month after the month the student completes the school year in which he or she is in FTA.

The maximum entitlement period for a student whose school operates on a yearly basis ends at age 19 and 2 months. The entitlement period for a student whose school operates on a yearly basis can, however, be less than age 19 and 2 months (for examples, see RS 00205.325F.1.RS 00205.325F.4., RS 00205.325F.6., RS 00205.325F.12., and RS 00205.325F.14. in this section).

D. Policy when a school operates on a quarterly or semester basis and requires re-enrollment

If the school operates on a quarterly or semester basis and requires the student to enroll each quarter or semester, student benefits end the first day of the month after the month in which the student’s current enrollment period ends. A student whose school operates on this basis may be entitled past the age 19 and two-month limit that applies to schools that operate on a yearly basis or on a semester or quarterly basis without required re-enrollment. See examples 8, 11, 12, and 13 in RS 00205.325F in this section.

E. Policy when a school operates on a quarterly or semester basis and does not require re-enrollment

If the school the student is attending operates on a quarterly or semester basis and does not require re-enrollment each quarter or semester, student benefits end the earlier of:

  • The first day of the third month following the month in which he or she actually attained age 19; or

  • The first day of the month after the month the student completes the school year in which he or she is in FTA.

The maximum entitlement period for a student whose school operates on a quarterly or semester basis and does not require re-enrollment ends at age 19 and 2 months. The entitlement period for a student whose school operates on this basis can, however, end prior to age 19 and 2 months.

F. Examples

These examples illustrate the policy for determining when a student's benefits should terminate. For instructions about how to code the Student Entitlement (STUD) screen, see MSOM COMMON 005.029.

1. Student graduates and benefits terminate before age 19

James attained age 18 in March and graduated from a secondary level program in May. He has no plans to continue attendance in a secondary level program, so his benefits terminate in June.

NOTE: Examples 2 and 3 are examples of unusual circumstances, and they are provided to show how to terminate benefits if you encounter either of these situations.

2. Student graduates before age 19 and continues in FTA in a secondary level course. Her student benefits terminate before age 19

Emily attains age 18 in April and graduates from a secondary school in June. She is on vacation in July and August and plans to continue FTA at a secondary school September through December. Her benefits terminate in January because she is no longer in FTA.

3. Student graduates before age 19 and continues in FTA in a secondary level course. Her student benefits terminate at age 19

Emily attains age 18 in April and graduates from a secondary school in June. She continues in FTA in a secondary level course in September, planning to attend through June. She receives benefits based on her FTA in a secondary level program through March. Her benefits terminate in April, the month she attains age 19, because she already graduated from secondary school.

4. Student attains age 19 in a month of nonattendance

Tony completes his junior year of high school in May, is on vacation in June and July, attains age 19 in July, and plans to return to secondary school in August. His benefits continue through June but terminate in July because he attains age 19 in a month of nonattendance.

5. Student attains age 19 in a month of FTA and the school operates on a yearly basis; student benefits terminate the first day of the third month after the age 19 attainment month (payment to age 19 and 2 months)

Janice attains age 19 in February. Her school year runs September through June, and her school operates on a yearly basis. Janice receives payments through April, and her benefits terminate in May, the third month after the month in which she attains age 19.

6. Student attains age 19 in a month of FTA; the school operates on a yearly basis; student's benefits terminate the first day of the month after the month the student completes the school year in which he or she is enrolled

Janice attains age 19 in April and attends high school through May. She is on vacation in June and July and plans to return for her senior year in August. She receives benefits through May, the month she completes the school year in which she is enrolled in the age 19 attainment month, and her benefits terminate in June.

7. Student attains age 19 in a month of FTA; the school operates on a semester or quarterly basis and requires re-enrollment; and the first day of the third month after age 19 attainment and the end of course coincide

Jacob attains age 19 on September 3. Per the SSA-1372, his school operates on a semester basis and requires re-enrollment every semester. The semester begins September 18 and ends November 30. Jacob receives benefits through November (age 19 and 2 months), and his benefits terminate in December.

8. Student attains age 19 in a month of FTA; the school operates on a semester or quarterly basis and requires re-enrollment; the student's benefits terminate the first day of the month after the month in which he or she completes the course in which he or she is enrolled in the age 19 attainment month (payment past age 19 and 2 months)

Jacob attains age 19 in September. The school official certified on the SSA-1372-BK that the school operates on a semester basis and requires re-enrollment each semester. The semester begins in September and ends in December. Jacob receives benefits through December, the end of the semester, and his benefits terminate in January because the semester in which he attains age 19 ends in December and his school operates on a semester basis and requires re-enrollment.

9. Graduation ceremony is held the month after FTA ends; the student is age 19; and the school operates on a yearly basis; so the student is paid for the month of graduation

Carmen attains age 19 in April, her last month of FTA is May, her graduation ceremony is in June, and her school operates on a yearly basis. She receives benefits for June because she was in FTA in May. We consider her to be in FTA for June (the month immediately after she was last in FTA), and her school's operating basis permits payment to age 19 and 2 months. Her benefits terminate in July.

10. Graduation ceremony is held the month after FTA ends; the student is age 19; and the school operates on a yearly basis; so the student is not paid for month of graduation

Same as Example 9, except Carmen attains age 19 in March. Even though her graduation ceremony is the month after her last month of FTA, her school’s yearly operating basis limits her benefits to age 19 and 2 months. Carmen's benefits continue through May and terminate in June.

11. Graduation ceremony is held the month after FTA ends; the student is age 19; and the school operates on a semester/quarterly basis and requires re-enrollment; so the student is paid for the month of graduation

Carmen attains age 19 in March; her last month of FTA is May; her graduation ceremony is in June; and, per the SSA-1372, her school operates on a semester or quarterly basis and requires re-enrollment. She receives benefits for June because she was in FTA in May, and we consider her to be in FTA in June because her graduation month is the month immediately following her last month of FTA.

Because her school operates on a semester or quarterly basis and requires reenrollment and because we consider her to be in FTA for the month of the graduation ceremony, her benefits terminate in July, the month after the month in which the quarter or semester in which the student is enrolled in the age 19 month ends.

12. Graduation is held two months after FTA ends; the student is age 19; and the school operates on either a yearly or a semester/quarterly basis and requires re-enrollment; so the student is not paid for month of graduation

Oscar attains age 19 in April, his last month of FTA is April, and his graduation ceremony is in June. Since Oscar's graduation ceremony is not held the month following his last month of FTA, we cannot pay him for the month of his graduation ceremony. Oscar's benefits terminate in May.

13. Student attains age 19 in the first month of the school year

Pat attains age 19 on August 8 and the school year begins August 21. Although she attains age 19 before the school year begins, she can receive benefits because she is a full-time student in the age 19 attainment month. If her school operates on a yearly basis, she can receive benefits for August, September, and October. Her benefits will terminate in November. If her school operates on a semester or quarterly basis and requires re-enrollment, and if the semester runs August through December, she receives benefits through December and her benefits terminate in January.

NOTE: If this is an initial claim, Pat can be entitled with an August MOET on the record of a living NH because she is deemed to meet the FTA “throughout the month” requirement (RS 00203.010E.2.).

14. Student attains age 19 in the last month of the school year

Michael attains age 19 on May 17 and his school year ends May 30. Although he plans to return to secondary school in August, he receives benefits for May and his benefits terminate in June because the semester or quarter, or the school year Michael attended in the age 19 attainment month, ended in May. This is true whether the school's operating basis is yearly, or semester or quarterly with re-enrollment.