POMS Reference

VB 02005: SVB Overpayments

BASIC (08-06)

A. Policy – California Veterans Cash Benefits (CVCB)

SSA administers CVCB on behalf of the State of California. If an SVB recipient meets the CVCB eligibility requirements (discussed in VB 01305.003B.3.), monthly CVCB is combined with SVB and the two are issued as one monthly payment. CVCB is payable only for months during which the person is entitled to receive an SVB payment (in any amount). Therefore, if it is later found that SVB is not payable for a month during which a CVCB was also paid, the person is overpaid both SVB and CVCB for that month.

NOTE: SVB and CVCB overpayments are considered to be separate overpayments. However, where an SVB overpayment results in a CVCB overpayment, the total overpayment will be shown on the SSR as a single overpayment event for recovery purposes. VB 02005.112 provides instructions and references for the documentation of SVB/CVCB overpayments, and VB 02005.215C. provides an explanation.

B. Policy – Other State Recognition Payments to SVB Recipients Administered by SSA

At present SSA is not administering state recognition payments to SVB recipients on behalf of any state other than California.